Customs and Export Services
Export Certification
Post Brexit and new Trade Agreements have changed the trading arrangements with many more countries than ever before requiring confirmation of the origin of goods. As an authorised Chamber, we are able to provide certification services for all your needs.
- Certificate of Origin
- Invoice Certification
- Arab-British Certificate of Origin
- UK EUR1 Movement Certificate
We can help guide you through each countries requirements and ensure your exports are hassle free – GET IN TOUCH
EXPORT DOCUMENTATION CHARGES: From April 1st 2024 – March 31st 2025
Customs Services
Delivered locally by the Chamber, this service offers traders a high level of compliance with HMRC procedures and offers a direct link for customs clearance through all sea, air and road ports and terminals in the UK. With our extensive knowledge, reputation, and first-class service in facilitating international trade, we can take the hassle out of your hands when it comes to exporting and importing goods. The service is offered direct to businesses or as a support service on behalf of freight forwarders, ensuring that customs clearance is accurate, timely and avoids additional costs through delays or errors. With direct links to the HMRC Customs handling system and all inventory linked ports, we can ensure that your goods, no matter where they enter or leave the UK, will be cleared for onward transportation smoothly.
We offer:
- A high level of compliance and assurance for customers
- White label services for freight forwarders and logistics companies
- Member/Non-Member discounts
- Tariff and commodity code assistance
- Goods Movement Reference
- T1 Transport Declarations
- ATA Carnets
We can help you keep your time-sensitive supply chains, moving efficiently and economically – GET IN TOUCH
International Technical Trade Advice
Understanding the complexities of trading internationally can seem like an uphill struggle, but it doesn’t have to be. Our experienced import/export advisers can help you navigate through the paperwork, payments and pitfalls and help you move your goods or services around the world. We can help you with all your import, export and customs procedures, connect you to suppliers, introduce you to useful networks, and help you get paid. All businesses receive an initial consultation free of charge, thereafter fees apply. Member discount applies. (£75/hr + VAT for Members, £90/hr + VAT for Non Members) – GET IN TOUCH
Global Business Network
A comprehensive international network of 130 British Chambers of Commerce and business groups located across the world, that will drive two-way commerce and business between each location and the UK. The network acts as an agile and reliable ecosystem for businesses wishing to widen their international horizons. Each Chamber has a diverse membership of both services and goods companies, willing to share advice and provide trusted connections. This means that a company that is a member of any Chamber in the BCC Network can benefit from international B2B connections, support services and solutions, practical advice about the local business environment and potential market opportunities. Gain an understanding of key trade and customs processes to grow your business and ensure you trade compliantly and with confidence. We regularly deliver training courses suitable for anyone working in export, import, customs, logistics or across the supply chain – GET IN TOUCH
Import/Export Training Qualification
For professionals looking to develop their career in international trade, we provide the British Chambers of Commerce Foundation Award in International Trade. Delivered by our team of expert trainers, our public courses are held online as virtual training sessions and can also be offered on an in-house basis, delivered online or in person at a designated location. Since they began in 2013, over 5,000 candidates have attended our programmes. Candidates completing six or more courses are awarded the BCC Foundation Award in International Trade
The eleven modules to choose from are,
- Understanding Exporting
- Export Documentation
- Methods of Payments
- Documentary Letters of Credit
- Import Procedures
- Customs Procedures and Documentation
- Preference Rules of Origin
- Agents and Distributors
- Inward and Outward Processing
- Understanding Commodity Codes
These courses give international traders the essential skills invaluable to small and large businesses alike. During each course, the candidates must demonstrate knowledge of the subject, and their performance is marked by an external assessor – GET IN TOUCH