Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP)

LSIPs are a valuable tool for improving the skills system in England, and Kent and Medway is at the forefront of this. By working together, employers, training providers, and other stakeholders can ensure that the workforce has the skills the region needs to succeed in the 21st century economy.

The recently published Kent & Medway Local Skills Improvement Plan provides a roadmap to support the region in addressing skills needs and shortages and will enable further collaborative working and joint initiatives. It builds on the trailblazer LSIP published in 2022, the work of the Kent & Medway Employment Taskforce, and other regional skills analysis.  You can view the full plan here.

Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, as the designated Employer Representative Body, engaged with a wide range of employers, sector and trade groups, and stakeholders to bring together the key elements of the region’s short- and long-term skills needs.

The Chamber will take forward the actions set out in the plan in the region over the next two years. We will drive initiatives and engage with a wide range of employers, sector and trade groups, and stakeholders to refine and address the key elements of the region’s short- and long-term skills needs.

Take part in the initiatives and engage with the skills agenda to ensure your industry and ultimately your business has access to the right skills and training in your local area.

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