Frequently Asked Questions

Are we a government department (like the local council)?
NO! We’re all private limited companies, owned and funded by our members and we’re non-profit organisations but we are many and the UK government LISTENS to us.

Can we join British Chambers of Commerce nationally?
The British Chambers of Commerce is the body which connects us all together and speaks nationally on behalf of you and our members. By joining your local or regional accredited Chamber, you become a part of our national and international network. Although a huge network, each Chamber is a independent business, just like yours. Working on a local, national & global scale.

Are we a part of the Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB)?
Where the CAB supports consumers, Chambers of Commerce are there to support member organisations/employers with advice. If in doubt, ask!

Is the Chamber a networking organisation?
Whilst quality networking and events are a key element of Chamber membership, there is so much more!

So what can the Chamber offer my business?
CONNECT: events, introductions, social networks PROTECT: exclusive benefits and services like HR, H&S, legal and tax SAVE: low cost cover and access to funding GROW: your market, your profile and your bottom line LOBBY: we have a loud voice! We feed your views to government and push for change. No other membership organisation can compete!

Who can become a Chamber member?
Regardless of size, sector or location, there’s a Chamber to support and represent every business in every corner of the UK. That’s what makes us unique.

Is the Chamber only for importers/exporters?
Not at all! International Trade services are just one of the many areas we can help and support with when you join your Chamber.


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Site by
British Chambers of Commerce
British Chambers of Commerce Global Network
ISO 9001
National Enterprise Network
Hypo Hounds