The Benefits Of Flexible Working For Teams And Clients

24th May 2024
Julie Firth

Continuous office life can certainly stifle creativity – a significant problem when you’re tasked with providing compelling and creative marketing to businesses across the globe! This is why STORY22 prefer giving their team the freedom to work from where they feel most inspired – whether that’s a coffee shop or a beach in Thailand!

The shift towards remote and flexible work policies isn’t just a trend – it’s a strategic move that brings substantial benefits to businesses and their clients worldwide – something STORY22 can certainly attest to.

The benefits of flexible working on teams

STORY22 co-Founders Sonya Whittam and Julie Firth, know the challenges of balancing work and family life and have built a workplace that supports this balance. The team set their own hours, fitting work around life – not the other way around.

Julie explains the approach: “At STORY22, we trust our team to know how they work best. The client comes first but this freedom means they can work without the stress of rigid schedules, which keeps everyone focused and happy.”


STORY22 has seen plenty of benefits within their own team:

·       Flexible Schedules: Everyone can manage work around their personal commitments, whether it’s standing outside in the rain for a school rugby match or a much-needed dog groom!

·       Better Work-Life Balance: The team can juggle their professional and personal lives more smoothly without the hassle of commuting.

·       Increased Productivity: With fewer distractions and the ability to work in a comfortable setting, the team often gets more done in a shorter space of time.

·       Opportunities to Travel: Because remote work means you can work from almost anywhere our team have explored new countries while keeping up with their projects. After spending last summer travelling around Southeast Asia, STORY22’s Social Media Coordinator, Holly, is spending the next few months working from Canada – a perfect case in point!

But the flexible working model isn’t just about providing the team with a better work-life balance (although that’s certainly a large part of it!); it’s also about offering superior service to clients.

Here’s how flexible work models can directly benefit clients as well as employees:

1. Enhanced Creativity and Broader Perspectives

Creativity thrives when individuals feel inspired, and nothing inspires like the freedom to choose where you work from or a change in environment. Remote working encourages employees to draw inspiration from diverse settings – an exposure that translates into fresh, innovative ideas and creative solutions.

2. Access to World-Class Talent

Having a flexible work policy means you aren’t limited by geographical boundaries when hiring which means tapping into a global talent pool – ensuring that the professionals you employ are among the best in their chosen field. In terms of marketing, this access to a broader range of experiences and skills can make a significant difference in the effectiveness and quality of marketing campaigns!

3. Personalised Service

Happy employees = happy clients! Teams that can enjoy the work-life balance that remote work affords, often experience higher engagement and job satisfaction. This positive environment is reflected in the quality of interaction and personalised service clients receive, with teams going the extra mile to ensure needs are met and expectations exceeded.

The shift towards remote working has unleashed a wave of innovation and satisfaction that wasn’t always possible in the traditional 9-5 setting. The choice to offer flexible working not only enhances the well-being of teams but also drives success for your business through dedicated service, innovative solutions and operational excellence.

STORY22  is a full-service marketing agency helping businesses engage with their customers on a deeper, more authentic level by utilising the power of storytelling. They can help boost your marketing strategy, whether that’s through copywriting, social media management, email marketingweb development, or pay-per-click advertising. Find out more about them here.

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