How A Certified Story Brand Guide Can Help Your Business Win

11th January 2024
Julie Firth

For those who are familiar with best-selling author Donald Miller’s ‘Building a StoryBrand’ (2017), you’ll know just how successful Miller’s 7-step marketing guide has been in helping businesses grow and connect with their customers.


Since the launch of Miller’s StoryBrand Guide, thousands of businesses have embraced his framework and hired a StoryBrand Expert to help them create an easy-to-action strategy that sets them apart from their competitors.


What is a StoryBrand Guide?

If you are unaware of Miller’s expert strategy – ‘StoryBrand’ it’s a highly effective marketing framework, which is used to help businesses share their message from the customer’s point of view. The framework teaches people that the customer is Luke Skywalker – ‘the hero’ of the story, and the business itself is ‘the guide’ – they are Yoda. It is the role of the guide to advise and assist in providing a solution to the hero’s problem, so the hero ultimately achieves a positive outcome.


StoryBrand Guide is intensely trained to follow this framework. By creating a clear message that attracts an audience and drives business, a StoryBrand Guide sets your business up for success.


Why choose a StoryBrand Guide?

Guides are often approached by business owners who are tired of wasting time and money on marketing that simply doesn’t work. Their businesses are stuck, their message is confusing, and they know they need to do something to overcome the problem they are facing – they just don’t know what!


StoryBrand Guide knows how to turn this around. A Guide with strategic marketing experience will approach your problems with the guidance you need to help you develop an actionable plan that highlights and addresses your brand’s needs – so you know exactly what you should be spending your marketing investment on and why.


Without the help of a StoryBrand Guide, you risk your marketing continuing to underperform because you have not addressed the root of the problem – the words you use.


A StoryBrand Certified Guide should create engaging copy that inspires and connects with your audience, answers their questions, and compels them to do business with you.


When you hire a StoryBrand Guide they play an integral role in improving your marketing power. Without their help or the StoryBrand framework, your business may find itself struggling for leads within a competitive market.

If you:

  • Are struggling to connect your brand with customers and make sales;
  • Require a ‘story’ to unite your company message and staff;
  • Can’t clearly describe in one sentence what your business has to offer;
  • Need a marketing strategy that drives results;

Then a committed StoryBrand Guide can help!


How to choose a StoryBrand Guide

So, you have recognised the benefits of implementing the StoryBrand approach and are ready to get the ball rolling. But how exactly do you find the best StoryBrand Guide for you?


The MarketingMadeSimple directory makes it easy for you to find a StoryBrand expert to guide you with specific expertise in the area you need, for example, faith-based marketing, graphic design, or a full-service StoryBrand marketing agency to act as your outsourced marketing department.


Once you have found a guide (or two) you feel can help you, it’s time for some research. Read about client testimonials, understand their experience, and then schedule a free marketing strategy consultation with them.


Ask yourself (and them) these questions;

  • Why should I choose you over others?
  • How can you evidence the impact of your work?
  • What changes will you make to benefit my business?
  • How will my success be measured?


The right StoryBrand Guide will have a genuine interest in helping you get the most out of their services and boosting your business.


Why should I choose to StoryBrand my business with STORY22?

StoryBrand marketing is a premium service for two reasons:

  1. It is delivered by some of the best marketers in the world, who have undergone intensive training to hone their skills.
  2. It works – extremely well!


At STORY22 you will benefit from working with not one, but TWO StoryBrand Certified Guides who will focus on all aspects of marketing, including marketing strategy, copywritingemail marketing, website development, SEO, and PPC.


Had enough of feeling stuck?

Co-founders of STORY22 Julie Firth and Sonya Whittam are certified StoryBrand Guidesworkshop facilitators, and copywriters. By following the renowned StoryBrand messaging framework, the expertise of the STORY22 team delivers effective marketing that is proven to work and increase sales. 


If you need help with boosting the effectiveness and clarity of your brand’s marketing, you can schedule a call with them here.

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