Dads Unlimited Are Partnering With Squiggle Consult!

5th January 2024
Nav Mirza

Exciting News! Dads Unlimited is delighted to announce a significant partnership with Squiggle Consult!

Together, we’re offering complimentary basic wills to secure your family’s future while supporting our mission of improving the wellbeing of men/dads experiencing loss of contact with children, relationship breakdown and/or domestic abuse.

In our collaboration, Squiggle Consult is taking a step beyond by offering complimentary basic wills that not only safeguard assets but also promote a broader vision of family well-being.

In addition to the complimentary basic wills, this partnership introduces a touching way for individuals to make a lasting impact on the community through legacy donations as Squiggle Consult will offer clients that come from Dads Unlimited, the option to include them in their wills, allowing them to support the charity’s mission of fostering emotional safety for men and their loved ones.

Millie Moore, Head of Sustainability and Development for Dads Unlimited expresses her heartfelt enthusiasm for the partnership, stating “ The collaboration with Squiggle Consult allows us to strengthen our impact and ensure a sustainable future for our services. We are so grateful for the support of Squiggle and look forward to the positive changes this partnership will bring.”

If you would like more information about leaving us a gift in your will, please visit or contact

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