Lily’s Social Kitchen CIC

In: Other
Contact: Zoe Rodda
Unit 3 Montpelier Business Park, Dencora Way, Ashford, TN23 4FG

Lily’s is a not for profit organisation that support people with autism and/or learning disabilities into paid, meaningful employment.  We use food as the vehicle to do this and have cafes and a catering business which we use to provide real work experience to our trainees.  They work in every area of the business preparing food, customer service, social media, admin, accounts and so forth.  We also use this commercially led, real work to teach them other work related skills such as getting on with colleagues, understanding organisational structure, what to do if you want holiday or are feeling unwell.  After they have completed our programme we identify work placements in mainstream work carefully matching their skills with a business or recruitment need an employer has.  We provide any support or training needs the individual and the employer has during this training period with the aim of the employer being satisfied enough to offer a paid role.

Our support lasts for the lifetime of the employment but also extends to employers/businesses who may have any employees who has autism/neuro diversity and who needs some support or guidance on best ways to support that employee at work.  We offer free support and training to help any business/employee to maintain that employment relationship.


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