Hawden MEP Limited

In: Building Consultancy
Contact: Lee Hawkins
1st Floor Office, Brogdale Enterprise Suite, Brogdale Farm, Brogdale Road, Favesham, Kent. ME13 8XZ

Hawden Associates Limited is a modern building design service practice providing design, survey and reporting services to all sectors of the construction industry.

Our varied experience encompasses all aspects of large, small and multi-residential, commercial, education, leisure, heritage and light industrial sites.

We a re a low carbon practice with our own in-house Level 5 Energy Assessor and SAP Assessor to provide the relevant energy advice across both commercial and residential projects. In line with modern practice we are both Revit and AutoCAD literate with all engineering staff competent in both mediums.

Additionally, all engineering staff are, as a minimum; IET and/or CIBSE members ensuring that a minimum requirements for ongoing CPD are met and exceeded. We have recently achieved both ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification and are working to achieve CHAS registration early in 2018. We place high priority on working as a Team with our Client’s and the res of the professional team and strive to ensure a high quality package always delivered on time.

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