Fulfilment Coaching

In: Business Coaching
Contact: Robert Smith
26 Nelson Road, Wouldham, Rochester, ME1 3YE

Let’s face it, life can be pretty tough year for many, both personally and in business. Through dialogue with my Clients and Contacts one thing stood out for those who were most successful – Support.

Whether you’re in business as someone who has just started a new enterprise as a ‘Start Up’, someone who needs to ‘Up Their Game’ and Step Up, or move into another life phase, or even someone who needs to start over and reach the top of the mountain again, I can really help you and provide you with the support and wisdom to get there… and STAY there.

I typically work with Individuals and Business People who have a strong desire for change and are committed to getting to where they want to be but may be a little bit ‘stuck’, or maybe lack confidence in what they need to do. There could be a multitude of reasons as to why you think you could do with some help, so – talk to me and let’s see how I can help you get to where you want to be.

Having previously owned a successful Business in the Luxury Brand Sector with decades of experience in Sales and Management, I have the perfect toolkit to help your business. I am a qualified NLP practitioner, and it is clear to me how using NLP techniques can influence the way we can change our mindsets to achieve our desired outcomes more easily. Also, implementing Coaching methods into your daily working and personal lives can give clarity to where you are, where you want to get to and what may be stopping you and, how as your transition coach, I can play a positive role in your short – medium and long term goals.

🟩 As your Coach, my commitment to you will be:

  • To deliver high-impact coaching for confidence, success and fulfilment in life and at work.
  • To facilitate development of strategies and a forward thinking attitude.
  • To help you look at life and your work with fresh perspective, identify where you want to be, explore what’s holding you back and help you move forwards with clarity and commitment and prevent procrastination.
  • Reduce stress and replace anxiety with a confident mindset.
  • To unleash the power within to live and work to your full potential.

If you really want to make positive changes in your life or business, e-mail: sayhello@fulfilment-coaching.com, call me on 07808 600895, or book a 1-2-1 chat here: https://calendly.com/fulfilment-coaching/1-2-1-with-robert.


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