Dello Insights

In: Business Service
Contact: Lucia Dello
Fighting Cocks Cottage Abbey Place, Faversham, Kent. ME13 7BJ

Supercharge your business by visualising your online sales.

Customised dashboards to help you measure and refine your e-commerce sales strategies.

Going deeper than Shopify and WooCommerce our multi-dimensional sales dashboards drill into patterns in customer behaviour, order revenues and product performance. Enrich your board packs by filling in the gaps left by the standard e-commerce reports.

Boost your profits by being able to independently evaluate returns on your marketing strategies, from google ads spend to loyalty programs, and optimising product ranges, stock levels and sales promotions.

Navigate the difficult economy and steer your business through the tough environment for online retailers by closely monitoring the drivers of cashflow, building robust forecasts and taking agile actions.

Dello Insights offers dashboard solutions for e-commerce SME’s from standardised templates to customised dashboards with planning services to cater for different budgets and needs.

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British Chambers of Commerce Global Network
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National Enterprise Network
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