Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)

In: Membership Organisation
Contact: Helen Patel
1 Arlington Square, Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire. RG12 1WA

The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) is the world’s largest and most influential professional body for construction management and leadership, with around 50,000 members in more than 100 countries.

Our members work worldwide in the development, conservation, and improvement of the built environment. Our training and our professional and vocational qualifications are a mark of the highest levels of competence, providing assurance to clients and other professionals procuring built assets.

Our members come from all walks of life, if you’re a student just graduating or an experienced leader with 20 years of project management, the CIOB has tailored solutions to help guide you through the process of becoming chartered.

Chartered Membership is comparable to a bachelor’s degree and is recognised internationally. It brings many benefits, including the right to use MCIOB as a post nominal designation

Just as individuals work towards Chartered Membership, entire organisations can achieve Chartered status with the CIOB’s Chartered Company Membership Scheme (CBC). The scheme provides its members with validation that their business is managed professionally and meets ethical codes, allowing them to be recognised as a trusted resource by clients. This raises the company’s profile and improves their reputation, helping them to win new business and strengthen existing client relationships

A Training Partnership is a joint venture between a company and the CIOB with the common aim of having a fully chartered workforce. It provides unique support for an organisation’s long-term learning and development strategies with the aim of helping all relevant employees become Chartered.

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