Quarterly Economic Survey

Kent Invicta is one of six Chambers in the South East that are accredited by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC).

It regularly contributes to 30%-50% of the South East’s responses to the Quarterly Economic Survey (QES), the largest UK survey of its kind, which is administered on behalf of the BCC by every accredited Chamber.

The questionnaire, honed over many years to gather a wealth of information, takes only about 3 minutes for a business Proprietor / Managing Director / Chief Executive, to complete.

The QES is currently closed and will re-open on Monday 13th May 2024.

If you would like to take part, please complete the form below to sign up to our newsletters about the QES.

Take a look here, to see previous QES Reports for Kent.

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British Chambers of Commerce
British Chambers of Commerce Global Network
ISO 9001
National Enterprise Network
Hypo Hounds